Saturday, December 28, 2019

Analysis of Characters, Conflict, and Symbolism in “a...

Analysis of Characters, Conflict, and Symbolism in â€Å"A Good Man Is hard to Find† The story â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† is a fascinating story about a family traveling to Florida for a family vacation. The story’s main characters are the grandmother, the mother and a baby, the father Bailey, and the two children June Star and John Wesley. On this trip the family has a run in with the other characters The Misfit, Bobby Lee, and Hiram who are escaped convicts headed towards Florida. O’Connor uses literary elements such as flashback and characterization to explore what it means to be a good person. It appears as the only good person in the story is the person the grandmother becomes through her struggle with the Misfit. O’Connor seems to†¦show more content†¦The story seems to imply how the modern man becomes spiritual when faced with evil. The grandmother seems to be unconcerned with the rest of her family: â€Å"‘I know you wouldn’t shoot a lady!’†(441). She thinks she is a â€Å"lady† sh e shouldn’t be shot. The grandmother is self-centered; she did not even beg for the life of anyone in her family but her own. She is always the first to criticize everyone but never looks at herself in a critical manner. The conflicts in this story highlight the character’s nature. The main fiction element in O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find† is symbolism. Most of the Symbolism in this story is masked behind a lot of foreshadowing: â€Å"They passed a large cotton field with five or six graves fenced in the middle of it, like a small island†(371). The number of graves foreshadows the death of each family member. Five or six represents the uncertainty of whether at least one member of the family will survive or not. After the accident the family waits for someone to come help them, ironically The Misfit, Bobby Lee, and Hiram pull up in â€Å"a big black battered hearse-like automobile†(375). The Hearse by definition is a vehicle that carries a coffin to a funeral. So, this is another image of death forthcoming, which foreshadows the outcome of the family before The Misfit and his accomplices even get out of the car. In general symbolism is an important element in this short story; many times it

Friday, December 20, 2019

Improving The Public High School System - 961 Words

Improving the Public High School System Improving the public high school system is extremely important, especially in times like today their are many aspects to the public school system today that are flawed some of which being the achievement gap in students, and the confidence, interest and motivation that students are lacking. Their are many ways that public high schools can improve their schools, many not even costing a penny. If public high school systems improve students will be more likely to succeed with confidence. Math is a difficult subject for many high school students. Goldberger author of beating the odds describes â€Å"the American education system having a gap in math achievement along the income and race lines.†(Goldberger, 2008) It would be nearly impossible to change the amount a family makes each year, or changing the race a person was born with but their is something that can be done to make the math achievement gap go away. All students entering high sch ool should be required to take a math diagnostic exam prior to their ninth grade year. Students should then be separated by their math abilities to help students with greater difficulty in the subject. Students who do not meet the minimum standards for the test should be encouraged to take preparation classes for math before school starts. This will not only help students who need help succeed, but it will also keep students interested by preparing them for future classes. Keeping a students interest isShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Comparison of American and Canadian Education 865 Words   |  4 Pageseducational systems very interesting. The United States educational system is has three levels however; some school districts may subdivide elementary and secondary students to create separate schools at the middle and junior high level. Once a child turns five they begin kindergarten and stay in elementary until they graduate. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing Management Relationship Approach

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Management for Relationship Approach. Answer: Introduction The success of a product or service based company is based on the behavioural approach to its consumers or clients. They need to satisfy their wants, desires, and needs to grow their business. Consumer behaviour analysis plays a vital role to achieve this business objective. It is a type of market study of individuals, groups or organizations that are involved in the buying process. This concept is a blend of elements from social anthropology, psychology, economics and marketing (Cohen, Prayag, and Moital, 2014, pp.872-909). The objective of consumer analysis involves the study and observation of emotions, buying behaviour and attitudes of the consumers. Below diagram represents the ways and factors that form the components of consumer behavioural analysis. Situational analysis in the consumer behaviour study helps in better understanding the questions related to the behavioural approach of the consumer like what to buy, why to buy, how to buy, when to buy, etc. It is the temporary force that is primarily related to the immediate purchase environment that directly affects the buyers. Some of the situational influences are consumer mood, temporal factors, physical surroundings, purchase motivation and social interactions (Biswas, and Roy, 2015, pp.463-468). Depending on the mood, the consumer decides what to buy and where to buy. Such temporary factors are common in market-place and keep on changing depending on the demographics, seasons, occasions, cultural factors, etc. For example, during Christmas, the sales of clothes and other accessories goes high compared to other non-occasional days. SWOT Analysis Like various marketing analysis tools, SWOT analysis is also a tool that is considered to be a straightforward model that helps in analysing the strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of an organization to build its marketing or business strategy. It includes both internal and external analysis of the organization (Cohen, Prayag, and Moital, 2014, pp.872-909). SWOT analysis helps in providing a competitive insight to the potential skills and predictive critical issues that might impact the organization. It also helps in determining the positive and negative factors that would influence the business so that effective ways could be developed to handle the situation and add value to the business. Below figure is a typical presentation of the template used to conduct SWOT analysis. This concept is organization specific, and each company uses it to understand the market and the existing competition level. It contributes to the understanding of the consumer behaviour to a great extent. Target market refers to a group of potential customers to whom a company aims to sell their products. Targeting a specific demographics or population is also a part of decision-making in the business. This too requires a lot of market study and business analysis before finalizing whom and where to invest. Target markets are decided based on the fact that what kind of products the company is producing and identifying the potential customers showing interest towards it (Foxall, 2014). Thus, consumer behaviour analysis helps in deciding the target market for most of the company. Many companies try to capture the market through offers and discounts just to attract the customers. Economy and lifestyle of people also help in deciding the target market as well (Spurling, McMeekin, Shove, Southerton, and Welch, 2013). For example, digital gadgets are more likely to be sold in urban place as compared to the rural region. Marketing Mix Strategy Like SWOT analysis, Marketing Mix Strategy is also a business tool that helps in producing desirable responses from its target market. It consists of a set of tactical and controllable marketing elements that could be used by the company to influence its demand in the market (Biswas, and Roy, 2015, pp.463-468). Traditionally, 4Ps defined the backbone of the marketing mix, which includes Product, Price, Place and Promotion. However, with advancement in technical approach, the advanced marketing mix includes 7Ps, and those are Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence. Consumer behaviour is crucial for the development of the Marketing Mix Strategy. The company needs to understand what will attract the consumer of the target market ad accordingly they will build their marketing strategy. Five basic questions help in conducting the market research, who buys, why do they buy, when do they buy, where to they buy and how do they buy. In business terms, budget constraints or budget line is one of the important elements in understanding consumer behaviour. It is a mathematical presentation of a price range of all t goods and services that a consumer would be able to buy within his income level (Schiffman, O'Cass, A., Paladino, and Carlson, 2013). It shows all the combinations possible for analysing the consumer choice and buying capacity. It can be calculated in a graphical manner. Mathematically, budget line is, This is also known as the preference map for consumers preferences and interests. It leads to two good cases to buy. Most of the companies utilize their best resources to maximize the issue related to consumer behaviour limiting the availability of the existing resources (Wu, Yeh, and Woodside, 2014). Budget lines helps in identifying the number of good bundles that a consumer can buy within a limited range of income. Implementation There is an in-depth relation between the marketing concept implementation and consumer behaviour. Both are the basis of business decision-making, yet each one contributes in a different manner. The market researcher needs to understand both of the above before implementing any kind of business strategies. Some of the major steps involved in the decision implementation process are, recognizing the issue or scope, searching and gathering of data and information, evaluation of the collected data, making a marketing decision and finally, post-marketing market evaluation (Schiffman, O'Cass, A., Paladino, and Carlson, 2013). Consumer behaviour analysis implementation can be carried out through various methods like data mining, focused group formation, surveys, sampling techniques, online research, observations, etc. Implementing different types of methods would help in gathering a wide range of data and the result will be more accurate. Consumer behaviour analysis evaluation is yet another important step that defines the level of market competition the company is holding. It will also help in extracting some of the major business loopholes that need attention and some of the areas that need modification (Hollensen, 2015). Consumer behaviour analysis evaluation can also be done through various ways like, analysing online responses to the business activities, conducting polling for different clients or customers to gather their feedbacks, offering free samples to some consumers, observing the purchasing and buying attitudes of some customers, etc. Evaluation process provides documented evidence of the change in the trend of the consumer behaviour and accordingly business or marketing strategies could be transformed (Solomon, 2014). Also, it is important to keep a back-up of some alternatives that would be helpful during an emergency or in a quick decision-making process. A number of alternatives should be based on the type and scale of business. Conclusion From the above discussion, it was cleared that what kind of impact the consumer behavioural analysis can put on the business strategies and decision-making process. On the other hand, factors like social, geographical, cultural, situational, etc. directly impacts the consumer market, thereby influencing the consumer behaviour (Neuendorf, 2016). Various tools and techniques are developed that will support the analysis process. Tools are also available to gather data and information useful for consumer behaviour analysis. References Biswas, A. and Roy, M., 2015. Green products: an exploratory study on the consumer behaviour in emerging economies of the East.Journal of Cleaner Production,87, pp.463-468. Cohen, S.A., Prayag, G. and Moital, M., 2014. Consumer behaviour in tourism: Concepts, influences and opportunities.Current Issues in Tourism,17(10), pp.872-909. Foxall, G.R., 2014.Consumer Behaviour (RLE Consumer Behaviour): A Practical Guide(Vol. 3). Routledge. Hollensen, S., 2015.Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Neuendorf, K.A., 2016.The content analysis guidebook. Sage publications. Oliver, R. L. (2014).Satisfaction: A behavioral perspective on the consumer. Routledge. Schiffman, L., O'Cass, A., Paladino, A. and Carlson, J., 2013.Consumer behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU. Solomon, M.R., 2014.Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Spurling, N., McMeekin, A., Shove, E., Southerton, D. and Welch, D., 2013. Interventions in practice: re-framing policy approaches to consumer behaviour.Sustainable Practices Research Group Report. Wu, P.L., Yeh, S.S. and Woodside, A.G., 2014. Applying complexity theory to deepen service dominant logic: Configural analysis of customer experience-and-outcome assessments of professional services for personal transformations.Journal of Business Research,67(8), pp.1647-1670.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Describe a range of course of dementia syndrome free essay sample

The number of different types of dementia is; Benson’s syndrome (also called Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA)) Alzheimer’s disease Primary Progressive Aphasia (A type of Fronto-temporal dementia) Lewy body Disease (Also known as Dementia with Lewy bodies) Picks disease (A type of Fronto-temporal dementia) Binswangers Disease. ( A type of vascular dementia) Niemann-Pick disease type C Creutzfeldt Jakob disease HIV Brain related impairment ( also Known as Aids Dementia Complex ) DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF MEMORY IMPAIRMENT COMMONLY EXPERIENCED BY INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA. The types of memory loss are; Alzheimer’s disease that affects the brain, caused by 2 abnormal proteins (Beta Amyloid and Tau) inside a person’s brain. The first of the brain to be affected is the area, responsible to recall memory. Vascular disease affects the brain also as a result of a stroke, which caused a cut off of oxygen that as starved the brain. This disease is also caused when blood vessels become diseased leading to a condition called sub-cortical dementia that affects memory and understanding. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) has been found that people with this type of dementia have an accumulation of protein to the brain known as ‘Lewy bodies’. It is said that these bodies will damage cells that consequently disrupt the same chemicals that affect those with Alzheimer’s. Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is a rare disease in whish parts of the brain becomes damage and start to shrink the outer layer of the brain ( known as the cortex) with in time as disease progresses will affect memory and thinking. HIV-related cognitive impairment and dementia is an affection that weakens the immune system, this disease will also affect a number of different problems with the brain also. HIV in people with Neurocognitive disorder can also suffer with short term memory loss. Niemann-Pick disease type C this is a rare inherited disorder; it is related to the fronto-temporal dementia that is also known as picks disease. This disease mainly affects school age children into adulthood. Those people to show symptoms in late adolescence or early adulthood are more likely to experience dementia as part of their disease with memory loss. EXPLAIN THE WAY THAT INDIVIDUALS PROCESS INFORMATION WITH REFERENCE TO THE ABILITIES AND LIMATIONS OF THE INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENITA; The way that individuals careering for someone, with dementia, is to be very understanding and to have compassions and time. To be patient with them, to speak slow and clear so that your words can be understood, to take time to read their care plan and to speak to other work colleague or senior and learn more of what the individuals need as they may know them better. As you may need to use flash cards or hand jester when communicating and at their level. Also learning what abilities they can still full-fill with or without your assistance or guidance. EXPLAIN HOW OTHER FACTORS CAN CAUSE CHANGES IN AN INDIVIDUAL’S CONDITION THAT MAY NOT BE ATTRIBUTABLE TO DEMEMTIA; The changes can be a change in where they used to live, meeting new people that they do not know or recognise, if their mobility as changed is they free from pressure sores and injuries. EXPLAIN WHY THE ABILILITIES AND NEEDS OF AN INDIVIDUAL WITH DEMENTIA MAY FLUCTUATE; The reason there can be any changes with any individuals can be because their dementia disease as progress or that they may have had their medication changed by their GP. They may also have some changes in the body, i. e. bladder control or bowl control affecting their ability to toilet themselves. They may also develop arthritis which will affect how they mobilises weather by equipment. Also a change in support or (care worker or different routine). (2) DESCRIBE THE IMPACT OF EARLY DIAGNOSIS AND FOLLOW UP TO DIAGNOSIS; It is very important to be diagnosed early so that if it is not dementia then the cause of this dementia type behaviour symptoms can be treated( like Depression). It is also important to diagnose dementia early as it may be possible for the doctor to prescribe medication that will slow down its progress of the disease. EXPLAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF RECORDING POSSIBLE SYMPTONS OF DEMENTIA IN AN INDIVIDUAL IN LINE WITH AGREED WAYS OF WORKING; It is important that you make sure you report, any changes that you see immediately to your manager or senior so if need be they can be recessed and that any new changes have also been added to the individuals care plan. If need be if appropriate mentioned to the family. EXPAIN THE PROCRESS OF REPORTING POSSIBLE SIGNS OF DEMENTIA WITHIN AGREED WAYS OF WORKING; Once you have noticed changes in the individuals you can make notes that you are able to take to your manager or assistant manager or senior and explain to them the changes you have observed in the individuals so that additions can be made and passed on to other workers . Sitting and communicating with the individuals and explain the changes. DESCRIBE THE POSSIBLE IMPACT OF RECEIVING A DIAGNOSIS OF DEMENTIA ON: THE INIDIVIDUALS; In receiving a diagnosis of dementia has a critical impact upon the well-being of the individuals causing feelings of turmoil, helplessness, diminished self-esteem and undermining of self are commonly seen. THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS; Individuals with dementia and family and close friends may need some kind of help to adjust to their altered circumstance, which will go beyond the course of medication, the effectiveness of a staged approach to psycho-social interventions following diagnosis so that as the dementia progress the individuals and family and friends benefit from different levels of support. For what is appropriate and helpful early on may not be useful in the later stage. (3) COMPARE A PERSON-CENTRED AND NON-PERSON-CENTRED APPROACH TO DEMENTIA; Is to recognise what is set for the individuals in their care plan knowing all about their life stories, their preferences, wishes and need that you are supporting. Taking time to speak, having patients and handling them with respect and dignity. Assisting with their caring needs The non-person –centred approach is not respecting the individuals and not following their needs as they have stated. But to carry out duties or assisting the way you wish to. DESCRIBE A RANGE OF DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES THAT CAN BE USED TO MEET THE FLUCTUATING ABLILITIES AND NEEDS OF THE INDIVIDUAL WITH DEMENTIA; The different kind of techniques that can be used, are risk assessments to make sure that we are able to meet the individual needs, to be supportive in their choices and decision making, to take time to listen to them and never to over speak them, to assist them in personal care needs, remembering that they are human-beans first and for most, to be able to observe any changes in their abilities with dealing with dementia. DESCRIBE HOW MYTHS AND STEREOTYPES RELATED DEMENTIA MAY AFFECT THE INDIVIDUAL AND THEIR CARERS; The way that myths and stereotypes may affect us is that you shall be expected to carry out and follow the myths, that it must be carry out it certain ways as expected, individuals may expect the old ways for you to do things and can show you the carer that they are not happy with you . they may be rude or insulting weather verbally , body language or physical, as the carer we must remember that the individual does not mean to express themselves it that way and that their dementia as changed them in different ways. Carers will find at times it hard but we know the individuals and realise that is not their normal behaviour. DESCRIBE WAYS IN WHICH INDIVIDUALS AND CARERS CAN BE SUPPORTED TO OVERCOME THEIR FEARS; The ways that we can be there for the individuals and the careers are to help them improve their own self-esteem and make them feel valued, plus to focus on what they can do, rather than what they cannot do, will encourage the independence of feelings and self-worth, to also help individuals and carers deal with any stress they feel. Knowing you is there for them any time.