Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Crowdfunding in Nigeria Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words - 1

Crowdfunding in Nigeria - Literature review Example This has become a very popular method of raising funds for any time of project but little is known about the motivation and interest of the people donating on the crowdfunding platforms (Fowler, 2007). According to Hemer (2011), the crowdfunding has been defined as the process that involves the making an open call through the medium of internet for provision of the financial resources. These can take the form of rewards in exchange of some form of voting right or equity in the organization. Hemer (2011), further argues that although the crowd funding was in existence in the late 1990 and was largely used on the internet, it was limited to the to get funding for activities in the creative industries that included making of videos or film Publishing by the independent writers and journalist other people in the theatres, visual arts and games. However, the development in the recent times brought by the invention of new tools like the Web 2.0 and social media and networking sites has con tributed to the use the viral networking and marketing (Lee, DeWester and Park, 2008). This has attracted a huge number of people in the to some web communities that is of interest to them within a very short time (Crowdsourcing.org. 2012). Although the crowdfunding has only attracted the scholarly investigation in the recent times, the concept is an old age one that has been practiced in some societies. An example of early application of crowdfunding is seen in the building of the Pedestal for the statue of liberty. This statue was established in1884 by Joseph Pulitzer, who had made an open call to the people in America provide the micro donations to fund the project (pritts, 2010). The online funding is otherwise a new concept that is has been greatly boosted by the development of the Web 2.0 technology (Lee, DeWester, and Park, 2008). This has resulted in the establishment of more crowd funding

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada v.V Annotated Bibliography

Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada v.V. Bell Canada - Annotated Bibliography Example The copyright board had stated that a certain high school should pay the royalties for copying material form a given textbook. However, the court ruled out the statement and stated that the high school should pay no royalties to the board. The decision was made even after the board stated that the material was not used in a fair deal as the copyright legislation states. In a certain case that covered the issue of music downloads, the lower court decided that the society of composers, authors and music publishers should collect royalties from the individuals downloading the music or videos. The royalties of the copyright are recognized and approved by the copyright board of Canada. This copyright stated that those individuals who did not agree to pay the royalties; the board should seek for judicial help and then sue them in the federal court of appeal. On the other hand, the Supreme Court turned down the decision made by the lower court. The supreme disagreed with the fact that the board should collect royalties from individuals downloading music from the internet. The Supreme Court stated that the telecommunications companies or organizations that give music services to customers won’t pay any royalties to the copyright collection agencies. The court said that they will pay a royalty to copy the song but if the organization transmits the so ng to another person or customer, it should not pay. The society of composers, authors and music publishers presented an appeal case to the court following the court’s decision on the payment of royalties upon music downloads. The organization stated that the use of the music was not under their copyright constitution. Their constitution stated that the use of downloaded music or videos should be done on affair dealing. The society then presented their rights to the court which included